These are raw pieces of Selenite Crystals from Morocco that have been clean cut on both ends, they measure approximately 4”.
These pieces can be used in a similar fashion as you would a wand, but instead of using them to focus or direct energy, like you would with a wand, you can use them for gridding your home (keep a piece on each windowsill to clear the vibrations within a room) or comb through your aura after a long day to remove energetic debris or stagnant energy.
Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum and much of the Selenite on the market these days, like these pieces, are the Satin Spar variety of Selenite. The name Selenite comes from the Greek word for moon and means “moon glow," and these Selenite pieces do glow with a shimmery, pearl-like luster.
The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work or meditation.
Selenite calms, brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives.
Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind problems.
A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences and it can be used in a grid around your home or in the corners of a room to create a safe and peaceful space. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. Also, it removes energy blocks from physical and etheric bodies.
Physically, Selenite is said to reverse the effects of "free radicals" to heal and repair on the cellular level. Associated with the spine and the skeletal system, Selenite also can be used to mitigate problems with mercury fillings in dental work. Selenite is also good for breastfeeding. If you are seeking to strengthen your memory, you can also work with Selenite.
Note: Selenite is a soft mineral, and should be kept dry. Continuous exposure to moisture can cause it to degrade over time.