All living things are made of energy. This is known as Qi, prana, mana, and many names in various cultures around the world. We send out and interact with different energies every day. As we experience events, emotions, etc. in our lives, and sometimes others' lives, we can acuumulate energy that does not serve us. This can be known as negative energy, stagnant energy, energy blockages, etc. I see these types of energy as a shell that covers our inner light. Sometimes all we need is what I call a "light dusting", and sometimes we need a heavier cleaning.
I will attune to your personal energetic frequency working with your chakras, energetic bodies, spirit, and auric field to see what needs to be worked on. Once old, negative, stagnant energy is moved our spiritual vibrations are higher. You will be more in tune, living cleaner, clearer, meditating easier, and experiencing less negativity and unwanted circumstances. Lower vibrations will pass you by, unable to attune to your higher frequency.
Energy Healing Sessions are $100 for one hour. Consultations are $10 and required before an energy session is scheduled. If a session is scheduled within two weeks of your consultation, the $10 fee will go toward a full Energy Healing session. Consultations are done through Zoom and are generally 10-15 minutes.
**This is not a substitute for medical care.**